03 December 2007

Famous Apartment Part III

Ok, these are the last photos of the fab apartment in Paris. Tomorrow I'll reveal the face of the owner. Enjoy -and keep the guesses coming!

The grand staircase to the apartment:

The bedroom of the owner:

One of the views from the apartment:


Tablebread said...

Oh! It's the beautiful and wonderful Queen who's spending knew no bounds! Am I right?!? Her initials are M.A.

Oooohhhh to think I may know my royalty the suspense is killing me :)

lady jicky said...

I have no idea but would I love to live there!

cotedetexas said...

Is it josephine?

The Paris Apartment said...

ok last guess, Karl Lagerfeld?

Alex said...

Lewis -you were on a close track

Lady J-I would too but the crowds would be just too much for me (especially when you just want to hang out on the couch)

Joni! You are so hot!

Paris- nope, this is too classical for his taste