02 June 2009

Inside a Craftsman

From the doorway you can tell I'm just not a Craftsman kind of gal. I'd say my style is a little more old world colonial (is that even a style?). I've got tons of furniture that I've picked up on my travels. While I love the traditional Craftsman and Mission styles they are too heavy and austere for me to live with. I've got a lot of artwork to hang -what would you do -hang it all from the picture rail or go for the wall directly?

On another note did you know that the Smithsonian now has its photo archives on Flickr? It is really interesting to look at what house interiors looked like. For example this one:


cotedetexas said...

looks so cute - the library of Congress has great photos online too!

Cheryl said...

Mujer! Your place looks amazing - no surprise there. Hope all is well.

Boracay hotel said...

There is actually a similarity look of the 2 pictures shown above.

Dive Boracay said...

Both images look stunning, I love it.